In a matter of four years, almost every colonist died in Jamestown. In 1607, English ships sailed
Into Chesapeake bay and up the James river and later founded Jamestown in Virginia. By the
Summer of 1609, 524 colonists would have arrived in Jamestown. But by 1611, more than 80%
Would be dead! There are three main reasons why this could have happened. There wasn’t
Enough food, the water was unusable, and they didn’t have enough workers with the right skill
Set to help them survive.
One of the biggest problems for the colonists is that the droughts made it hard for them to
Grow crops, (Doc. B) and the food that they did have wouldn’t have been enough to last through winter. (Doc. D) from about 1607 to 1612, Jamestown suffered a horrible drought. This would have a big effect on colonists because no water means that they can’t grow crops. This would lead to starvation. Another reason they starved is because of Francis wests men took the grain loaded it onto the ships and didn’t take it back to Jamestown.(Doc. D) this is a big reason why most of them starved to death.
Another big problem for the colonists is that their water was too brackish, which made it
Unusable.(Doc. A) This caused many to get sick and die. The thing that caused the waters to become too salty are the tides. An event that happened two times a day. Since Human wastes wouldn’t float away down the rivers because of the tides it would just stay in the water, this caused the water to be contaminated and a major cause for disease. Water was scarce in the first
Four years of living at Jamestown due to the drought.(Doc. B) This might have caused competition for water but the water that they did have would be contaminated.
The last major problem for the colonists, when they came in 1607, they didn’t bring
Many skillful workers. (Doc. C) More than half the people who came on the first boat
Were gentlemen. They