1462-1522 Reign of Ivan III (the great) -annexes many of the surrounding territories
1533-1584 Reign of Ivan the Terrible -First czar of Russia -Conquers Mongol territories and gets Russia a Caspian Sea port
1584-1613 Time of Troubles -anarchy and civil war -Poland invades Russia
1613 Michael Romanov is elected by an assembly of nobles to be tsar -beginning of the Romanov dynasty which ruled Russia until 1917 -brought stability to end the time of troubles -country was still weak and impoverished
1682 Peter the Great becomes tsar ruling with his half brother Ivan V until 1696 (his sister is regent until 1689) -came to power by the streltsy (guards of the Moscow garrison) -creates modern European power -promotes …show more content…
1939-1941 Russia invades the Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania
1941 Germany invades Russia in WWII
1945 WWII ends when Russia invades Berlin
1945 End of WWII results in a USSR domination of Eastern Europe tensions arise that lead to cold war
1949 Russia explodes first atomic device => tension with the U.S
1954 Stalin dies Khrushchev replaces him as first secretary -In effort to gain political status Khrushchev delivers a speech which denounces Stalin
1955 Warsaw pact created to counter NATO -Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania
1962 Cuban missile crisis between U.S and USSR almost leads to a nuclear war. -results in Khrushchev removing his missiles from Cuba (start of his downfall)
1964 Brezhnev sparks the downfall of Khrushchev to become first secretary
1969 Border conflicts with