Steve Jobs was a very influencial, successful entrepreneur. He was the adopted son of a Mountain View, Calif., machinist. He showed early interest in electronics and gadgetry. Steve Jobs didn't finish the college, taking a part-time job in order to finance a trip to India to study Eastern culture. When he returned to the U.S., he convinced a friend, Wozniak, to go into business with him. They set up shops in Jobs' parents' garage, and began working on pototype of Apple I. To generate the $1350 in capital they used to start Apple, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen microbus, and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard calculator. Although the Apple I sold mainly to hobbyists, it generated enough cash to enable Jobs and Wozniak to improve and refine their design. That is the way the business grew. Increasing competition caused the company to lose nearly half its market to IMB. Faced with declining sales, Jobs introduced the Apple Macintoch and the Mac as a home computer, but it was too expensive for the consumer market. Apple faced a period of decline and Jobs resigned in 1985. After more than a decade, he came back to…