In 509 B.C. when Rome first popped up, they swore to never have a monarch rule again. Instead, they set up a republic, that consisted of the senate, magistrates, and assemblies. They inscribed the laws for the government on what is known know as the Twelve Tables. During this time, the Roman government was very successful. They obtained …show more content…
The area they controlled was too large for one ruler. In A.D 284, when Diocletian became emperor, he realized this and decided to fix the problem. He hired a co-emperor to rule the west, so he could rule the east, as well as two assistants. However, this didn’t last after Diocletian retired. One of the two new emperors died and was replaced by his son, Constantine. The other emperor refused to accept Constantine as the other co-emperor. This started a civil war and left one emperor standing. Constantine won and was able to hold Rome together, but after he died it didn’t hold up for long. Rome split to two emperors again, but this time was different, they didn’t have equal power one side was always stronger than the other and their power kept growing as the others fell. This lead Germany to invade Rome. In doing so, Germany opened Rome up for many more attacks. In A.D. 451, the Huns attacked Gaul. Although they didn’t win, Rome’s Western Empire fell about 25 years later when the Huns leader, Attila, dethroned Rome’s last western emperor. The only part of Rome still standing was the east, which soon fell when Attila tried to expand the west towards