On November 9 to 10, 1938 Nazis in Germany lit up schools, people’s houses, schools, and other kinds of businesses. They killed up to 100 Jews (‘Photograph’). “In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. The programs became known as Kristallnacht” (‘Photograph’). More importantly, Night of Broken Glass did have a turning point. ‘Kristallnacht marked a turning point in the Nazi war against the Jews. The German public had tolerated the event and some taken part in it. An emigration office was set up to encourage Jews to leave Germany’ (Sheehan. How Did It Happen?). The Nazis way of thinking about life was that handicapped children were a waste of space so they killed about five thousand handicap children. Later, they moved up to mentally ill adults (Sheehan. How Did It
On November 9 to 10, 1938 Nazis in Germany lit up schools, people’s houses, schools, and other kinds of businesses. They killed up to 100 Jews (‘Photograph’). “In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. The programs became known as Kristallnacht” (‘Photograph’). More importantly, Night of Broken Glass did have a turning point. ‘Kristallnacht marked a turning point in the Nazi war against the Jews. The German public had tolerated the event and some taken part in it. An emigration office was set up to encourage Jews to leave Germany’ (Sheehan. How Did It Happen?). The Nazis way of thinking about life was that handicapped children were a waste of space so they killed about five thousand handicap children. Later, they moved up to mentally ill adults (Sheehan. How Did It