First of all, different political systems lead to conflicts because people have their own belief and a system to follow. If a man sees that another person does not believe in what he believes in, both people will argue and stand up to their beliefs until one commits into the other’s belief. This connects to the Vietnam War because Vietnam had a civil war with its own nation. During the Vietnam War, Vietnam was separated into two …show more content…
During the Cuban Revolution, the revolt was led by Fidel Castro who was against the political system government led by Cuban President In 1959, Fidel Castro and his group of guerilla fighter, overthrew the government of President Fulgencio Batista. Because of Fidel Castro’s rule, the government has obtained private land, nationalized hundreds of private companies and heavily taxing the Americans. This lead to the Eisenhower Administration which created trade restrictions, allowing only food and medical supplies to get through. Because of the tensions between the U.S and Cuba, Nikita Khruschchev took the advantage. Due to Cuba constructing missiles to attack other countries, the United States decided to take action and intercept the Soviets from deverling the missiles to Cuba. Although, people believe in different systems, they will keep on going at each other until they reunite and became