On Feb, 15 The USS Maine blew up resulting in 274 out of the ship's 354 crew died. American press and most members of Congress say the Maine struck a naval mine planted by Spanish. Investigations from the explosion discovered was caused from ignition of coal dust from the fuel bunker, although some have concluded the explosion came from a mine. …show more content…
and Spain had existed since April 21
May 12 – The Bombardment of San Juan with the North Atlantic Squadron sails into San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Spanish Atlantic Squadron had been. The Spanish are not there, but the captain order the city to be bombed, numerous civilians die. The American forces invade the Philippines. 20,000 regular army, along with volunteer troops were told to occupy the entire Philippines.
On June 21 Guam was captured: Americus USS Charleston went to the Pacific Ocean of Guam June 20, fires warning shots in the air, misinterpreted by Spanish as a salute. The Spanish surrenders the island without a fight on June 21.
July 18 - Battle of Manzanillo had the USS Wilmington,USS Helena, USS Hist and USS Scorpion, along with armed tugboats USS Osceola and USS Wompatuck joins the fight and enter the harbor of Manzanillo, after naval skirmishes , and sinking eight Spanish Navy gunboats along with a merchant blockade runner.
August 14 - The last battle of the War began in Caibarién, located in Cuba, when the supply ship USS Mangrove had fired on two Spanish gunboats. The Spanish gave up, explaining that an armistice has been …show more content…
This treaty came into play when the Commissioners from the United States and Spain met in Paris on October 1, 1898; to produce a treaty that would bring ends to the war after the six months of hostilities. French diplomats negotiated on Spain's behalf. The American commissioners negotiated in hostile atmosphere because of Europe, besides England, was sympathetic to the Spanish. Conference discussed Cuba while debating questions, and major conflict concerning the situation of the Philippines. The Spanish commissioners argued that Manila had surrendered after the armistice and making the Philippines unavailable as a war conquest, but they eventually yielded having no other options, and the U.S. ultimately paid Spain 20 million for the Philippines, along with Puerto Rico and Guam, which were placed under American control. Spain had then relinquished its claim to Cuba. The peace treaty was signed on December 10, 1898.
The technology use in the war was a Model 1896 Krag-Jorgenson Rifle. This rifle was advance from its ability used smokeless powder and it had a five shots instead of a single shot rifle. The other tech was The US used the 1895 model of the Gatling gun. This was not a machine gun, but it was a weapon that could fire very rapidly, seeming like a machine