Part 1: Multiple Choice – Circle the answer that makes the most sense (5 points each) 1. The Younger family lives in:
A. Compton B. Southside Chicago C. Brooklyn D. Nigeria
2. Why did Walter ask Ruth what was wrong with her?
a. Her apron was on wrong side out.
b. She ran to the bathroom and vomited.
c. She was crabby and tired looking.
d. She burned his eggs and toast.
3. Why was Ruth upset when Walter gave Travis the money?
a. She was trying to save money for Beneatha's education.
b. They didn't have …show more content…
the money to spare.
c. She was mad at Walter anyway. The money was just an excuse to vent her feelings.
d. Travis was too young to get any money.
4. Who are Willy and Bobo?
a. Walter's future business partners
b. Two clowns at the zoo
c. Travis's friends
d. Travis's pets
5. Walter said, "Damn my eggs . . . damn all the eggs that ever was!" Why?
a. Walter was tired of Ruth's being sick all the time.
b. Walter was mad because Ruth had burned his breakfast.
c. Walter is tired of eating eggs.
d. Walter wants to dream of a better life and Ruth keeps pushing reality back at him.
6. Why was Mama getting a check for $10,000?
a. It was insurance money from her husband's life insurance.
b. She had won the lottery.
c. She had won a contest.
d. The bank was sending her a check for the amount in her account. Since she was old, she thought it was time to spend her money.
7. Beneatha is going to school to become a:
A. Nurse B. CulturalAnthropologist C. Doctor D. Teacher
8. The business Walter wants to start is a:
Bodega B. Gun Shop C. Limo Service D. Liquor Store
9. When Travis asks Walter for fifty cents, Walter:
A. Gives him $1 B. Gives him $0.50 C. Gives him nothing D. Tells him to earn it
10. When Mama tells Ruth to call in sick to work, she suggests Ruth tell her boss that she has the flu because:
A. It is a common problem that time of year B. She has used up all of her other excuses C. It sounds “respectable” to white people D. Ruth really has the flu 11. Walter Senior is/was Mama’s
A. Husband B. Son C. Uncle D. Father
12. Which is the hobby that Beneatha has not tried out yet:
A. Horsebackriding B. Guitar C. Acting D. Dancing
13. Why did Beneatha say she wouldn't marry George?
a. He was too conceited.
b. He was too poor.
c. He was too shallow.
d. She just didn't like him
14. Mama slaps Beneatha because Beneatha:
A. Curses B. Has slapped Mama C. Denies God D. Stole from her
15. What happened to Ruth at the end of Act I Scene One?
a. Walter hit her.
b. She burned herself while
c. She fainted.
d. She burst into tears.
Part 2: Essay (5 points) On the back of this paper, write a one-paragraph response to one of the following questions (be sure to give specific examples from the text to support your response). On this page, circle the essay choice you have picked. What concepts might “liquor” symbolize in the play? How does Walter’s current job affect both his pride and his need for more money?
How does Walter show himself to be a sexist character?
How does Walter’s line “all I have to give him [Travis] is stories about how rich white people live” highlight the themes of both racism and materialism in the play?
One paragraph consisting of 5 to 7 sentences minimum, any less and you will not be given credit. If you choose not to do this portion of your quiz, 10 points will be deducted from your score.