For example anyone can present an argument regardless of how much "proof" exists about that one particular subject. Everything that we believe in takes some degree of faith in order to believe it. Whether it be Christianity, Atheism, Satanism, Wicca, Judaism etc. Yes, there are plausible arguments for everything but to come to absolute certainty about any one thing is virtually impossible. In other words nothing in this world is provable. Absolutely positively without a doubt concrete rock solid evidence does not exist, there fore any one aspect of any one argument can be disproved or regarded as irrelevant based on the conclusion that no absolute proof exists. Even though I am a Christian and I believe that the Word of God and God himself is real, trying to tell an …show more content…
atheist that is like trying to prove the impossible. And for the essays sake, visa versa. Arguing is in itself a paradoxical feat of belligerents almost like a dog chasing it's tail. No matter what is said, all can be summed up as rhetoric. You can't prove that something is true just based off the fact that the consensus views it as such. You can win the battle but in fact can never win the war.
In order to reach some sort of conclusion in any situation, one must check and re-check every possible variable in the equation, which I believe if given enough time it is inevitable that one reaches a positive conclusion.
Unfortunately the time in which humans have existed on this planet is equivalent to a grain of sand in the bottom of an Olympic size swimming pool. However I, or no one else for that matter, can prove it, one can only speculate. It is possible to come to a logical "resting point" ,if you will, in any argument, discussion or even theory. This can be done by verifying all data, comparing it with logically observations and outcomes of other similar experiments or discussions and making sure that your data in no way contradicts relative laws that correspond to your specific postulation. The ladder can sometimes bite you back. In some cases theologians and scientist have come across new evidence or considered a certain hypothesis that contradict current laws and the end results in the law or laws being
Then you have instances that occurred in the past that no one will ever be able to answer or prove it existed. Take the ultimate example, Jesus Christ. For centuries now men have hypothesized, debated and reveled in the mysteries of the One. Never in the history of man has anything been more intriguing. You have all these artifacts, location, scrolls, Scriptures, painting, commemorations, celebrations, websites and message boards and everything can be argued either way. Every argument regardless of which side of the spectrum has its interesting points, its rhetoric and even its down right heresy, for lack of a better term. Every possible angle can be twisted, molded and argued until there's nothing left to prove. There are just as many plausible and believable arguments for the existence as there are for the non-existence.
Considering that religion just like everything else is changing I believe that the truth will only be known after death. Who knows maybe me and the entire Christian faith is wrong, maybe the entire world of religion is wrong, but then again maybe we're right. Who knows maybe it IS an all knowing and all loving God up there who regardless of religious affiliation accepts us for being just what we are. Human.
I do know one thing, he sure has a sense of humor.