Which celebrity do you look up to? What if that celebrity broke the law, don’t you think they should receive stricter penalties? Here’s the controversy: Celebrities need stricter penalties when they break the law. Imagine you’re watching the news and your favorite celebrity got a ticket for speeding, just a ticket they can easily pay off. Now you’re thinking to yourself “celebrities deserve stricter penalties than just a ticket.” The problem is celebrities are treated like normal people. Celebrities deserve stricter penalties, A reason celebrities deserve stricter penalties is because many kids have a favorite celebrity like me, I’m a huge fan of this one soccer player. If that celebrity breaks the law and they don’t …show more content…
Another reason celebrities deserve stricter penalties when breaking a law is because if a celebrity gets a ticket for whatever reason, they can easily pay it off due to the fact they make lots of money. In the other hand, if they get imprisoned, they will actually face a consequence and they’ll most likely not break the law again because they might not like a prison. The last reason why celebrities should receive stricter penalties when breaking the law is because it makes their fans look bad. Let’s say one day Adam Sandler goes out partying and starts drinking, he then decides to drive back home, but he is a little intoxicated the police pulls him over and decides to take him to jail for the night. The way this will look bad on his fans is because people will conclude that you are a fan/support drunk driving. People who disagree may claim that celebrities are normal people and they should be treated like normal people. Some people may argue that celebrities deserve the same freedom we have. This may be a strong argument because celebrities are only different from normal people because of their fame. This argument is wrong because many people look up to celebrities and because of this whatever celebrities do their fans want to do it too. When