Companies need to be sure they are aware that using Groupons will help them get customers in the door but also to not over use them and not allow them to not gain a profit. This will only cause the business to fail.
All new companies need to make sure they are aware they will be having to work harder for less money(Dewing,2011). Groupons markets itself differently to consumers than it does to businesses. Consumers are marketed by a certain product or business to allow them to make a bigger profit. The businesses has to allow consumers to use the coupons. Sometimes this means that the business will not make a profit. Other times they will be very profitable. The more positive feedback the consumer gives about the restaurant the more service the business will have.
Negative feedback can impact a company drastically.The perk for businesses is the possibility of attracting repeat customers (Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell, 2014). If the customer is satisfied with the service or product they have received then they will be coming back to that same place time and time again.
Consumers generally love to find a bargain this day in time. Everywhere you go items seem