ideas throughout the article. I do believe that this information is reliable. I know this because it is located on a library database that has been approved by the school and educators. This article presents no bias, for it displays the opinions of, both, the supporters and the opposers. The goal of this source is to educate readers on the issue over domestic surveillance in our nation. In regards to the other sources in my bibliography, I would say that all of my sources are equally reliable and unbiased. This source was very helpful to my research because it was unbiased and had opinions that were backed up by significant pieces of evidence. Additionally, the article could aid me in shaping my argument because it provides the ideas of the pro side. It does so in a professional and reliable fashion. In order to incorporate this source into my research paper, I will be sure to mention the issues of terrorism, time restrictions, and national protection. This article has, in fact, changed my perspective on the issue of domestic surveillance. I now understand that, not only is national security by means of surveillance a safer option, but, also, a more practical one as well.
ideas throughout the article. I do believe that this information is reliable. I know this because it is located on a library database that has been approved by the school and educators. This article presents no bias, for it displays the opinions of, both, the supporters and the opposers. The goal of this source is to educate readers on the issue over domestic surveillance in our nation. In regards to the other sources in my bibliography, I would say that all of my sources are equally reliable and unbiased. This source was very helpful to my research because it was unbiased and had opinions that were backed up by significant pieces of evidence. Additionally, the article could aid me in shaping my argument because it provides the ideas of the pro side. It does so in a professional and reliable fashion. In order to incorporate this source into my research paper, I will be sure to mention the issues of terrorism, time restrictions, and national protection. This article has, in fact, changed my perspective on the issue of domestic surveillance. I now understand that, not only is national security by means of surveillance a safer option, but, also, a more practical one as well.