Gun control laws doesn’t seem to affect criminals. Some criminals even feel as regardless of what, they are going to do what they want to do. I believe if the gun control laws were strict and had more consequences behind it the crimes may drop. If gun controls stop gun violence a lot of our love ones will still be here. Gun violence have gotten out of control.
We have some criminals that don’t think twice about taking another person life. Some criminals feel they don’t have to obey
the law because the law doesn’t mean anything to them. Criminals feel as if doing time behind guns means nothing to them. In some cases it's not the gun that kill people it's the person behind the gun. The law need to put their foot down to permently stop these crimes.
Some criminals get away with too much. There is no law if the criminals go continue breaking it. Gun crimes are actually taking over the CSRA. If guns wasn't ever invented a lot of lives would still be here. Criminals need to be put off the streets.
There are some people afraid to sit on their own porch because they are scared of the criminals. Criminals carry guns like it's legal. They also kill people like its legal also. If the law would take away the criminals this world will be a better place. Criminals don’t deserve to be free and on the streets.