School dress codes are to protect students against unwanted approach. Some schools require different dress codes such as students must wear school uniform, students may not expose any part of their midriff, undergarments may not be exposed at any time, and student's bottoms have to be longer than the length of their arms extended down to their sides with their hands clenched in a fist. Females are the …show more content…
targets of being a distraction to boys because of the way females dress. A school in California banned leggings because it was a distraction to boys. Leggings are tight-fitting stretch pants, typically worn by women or girls. The principal at the California school stated, “When girls bend in leggings the threads spread and that’s really when it becomes a problem.” Michelle McCool, a Cosmopolitan fashion designer said: “They’re definitely getting shorter.” Michelle McCool is referring to the size of females shorts.
Designers are manufacturing shorts to become shorter. Five hundred forty-nine teenagers were randomly selected to do a survey which asked the students what items should not be allowed at school. The survey shows the banned products are more for females than males. Some of the objects that females and males wanted to ban were clothes that display gang symbols, shirts that expose the midriff, short skirts, and baggy clothes. School dress codes are intended to protect all students and prepare them for the future, but telling females what to wear and how to wear clothes will make girls feel like they can't be independent and themselves. Females should dress how they want to because how female dresses should not distract others from learning. Women all over social media have expressed themselves and their thoughts about dress codes with the hashtag I Am More Than A Distraction. Females express their feelings by using this hashtag to tell people that they are more than a distraction and body shaming girls
isn't right. Females at Maryland Middle School pretested the dress codes at their school because of the ban of spaghetti straps, shorts under a 4-inch inseam and shirts that reveal cleavage are more towards girls than boys. Today's society thinks that females are responsible for boys actions towards them at school because of what they're wearing and that they are a distraction to boys.
Dress codes prepare students for the future and make them learn that there are rules to everything. Some of the dress codes at schools are appropriate like always wearing uniforms, no undergarments should be showing, and students may not show any midriff at any time.