The first reason is due to empathic concern. This is the tendency to experience feelings of warmth, compassion, and concern for other people (Singer, 77). A second explanation given is personal distress. Personal distress is an individual feeling uneasy of empathetic due to the emotions of others. Third, Singer says perspective taking which is the tendency to adopt the point of view of other people pushes a few individuals take on the role of effective altruist (77). Lastly, the idea of it being a fantasy to imagine oneself experiencing the feeling and performing the actions of fictitious characters is enough to entice an individual to become an effective altruist (Singer,
The first reason is due to empathic concern. This is the tendency to experience feelings of warmth, compassion, and concern for other people (Singer, 77). A second explanation given is personal distress. Personal distress is an individual feeling uneasy of empathetic due to the emotions of others. Third, Singer says perspective taking which is the tendency to adopt the point of view of other people pushes a few individuals take on the role of effective altruist (77). Lastly, the idea of it being a fantasy to imagine oneself experiencing the feeling and performing the actions of fictitious characters is enough to entice an individual to become an effective altruist (Singer,