Since the 80s a type of music called heavy metal stared to born, characterized for their strong sound, screams and high voices. As the decade before was an age of disco music, dance and romantic letters, people didn’t take heavy metal as good as they should take. People start rejecting at the ones who listen to this music, and at this point they started to call them rebels. At the 90s, heavy metal stared getting strong, many people know were part of the ones who listen. Since that decade heavy metal was divided in many branches where they born different types of heavy metal as: Nu metal, dark metal, doom metal, metal core, rock metal, alternative metal, death metal, Cristian metal, trash metal, etc then they generalized heavy metal as metal, and heavy metal started making part of metal. So this music stared to be a door for the teenagers that wants to highlight from others that’s why the majority of metal heads have piercings and tatooes.Society didn’t accept them and judging from their appearance the stereotype metal as”satanic”.
The people that don’t listen to metal because just didn’t like this genre just prefer to don’t comment and keep distance. But metal is strongly criticized by society and there are people that said that metal is only an excuse to use drugs and alcohol, because in all the genres metal is the one that has the most drug addict followers. Others said Metal Heads are dark and satanic as the famous singer Justin biber that said:” I reject metal.why? Because is an insipid, violent and dark music that incite teenagers to follow the path of the sin and to lock in a melodramatic and melancholic way of life without sense.”Metal constantly resave critics by another famous genre called regueton, with comments as: “those teenagers are violent they express their self in a bad way and live their live like a punish, like something bad.” “Regueton wants to contagious world with happiness and Metal Heads