It starts from high fever and then convulsion, vomiting, and really bad swellings. Doctors are still doing research on it to find a remedy but so far nothing is helping and I have also heard it is very contagious. It transfer from person to person by coughing, …show more content…
Luckily my town is very small and also it is on the opposite side of where plague is, so there are very less chances of getting the plague but still we all are scared. But now people are staying very clean and staying away from garbage. Doctors and all the medic people have given their best to find the cure and just recently I heard that they have found the cure. And they are even trying on a plague’s victims and it has worked. Also, it has been proven that the plague was started because of thatched roofs, wattle walls, trash, and foods for infected black rats, fleas and dirt everywhere. Plague have killed many people including rich and poor but now people are always very careful and cleaning everything all time so there won’t be any other plague again. Also, after the plague people took the lands of dead people and have started building on them, almost everyone has inherited from all who died. So they feel really free and many have lost confidence in Churches and political authorities because in the time of need or plague they all closed their doors on their