Take a look at the history you might say people created religions just because they wanted to rule the rest of people or to secure their own social status. These stories may be true but they are not the root cause. Actually early religion was created just to explain natural phenomena and had nothing to do with politics. So nobody had enforced a belief, on the contrary people spontaneously needed a belief.
Thousands of years ago, as beliefs began to emerge there must have been thinkers who thought these ideas up. How did their ideas appear and why were they confused? With the demand for a theory as to why they existed, thinkers must have begun the process. Everyday they began to ask 'Why?' 'What are we meant to be doing?', 'Why did Grandma die?'
At first, most people would have said 'Don't be silly. We're just here. We live, we die. But some people sat down and reasoned:
Well we can't have been going on like this forever. There must have been something before us
Yes, but even before that, something must have made us. Just like our houses, before they existed we built them. What could have made us?
'We make us. That’s natural. So, there must have been a huge one of us that made us.
What? Don't be crazy. We would have seen such a huge man.
Of course you wouldn't. Why would such a powerful person bother being seen by us? No, this man is sitting in his magic place controlling the world.
Yeah, yeah. Go and write a fairy tale.'
No, No. You must listen. So, if he has control over the world, then we should make him happy and he'll make things easy for us.