laundry. It states that women physical structure and performance gives disadvantages. Italics states that no matte what she still looks to her brother. One of the reasons she will look to her brother is for protection. It also states that she is placed in a class by herself.
Theodore Roosevelt announces the new nationalism states in every wise struggle for human betterment one of the main objects, and often the only object, has been to achieve in large measure equality of opportunity.
He states there’s many stages in the advance of humanity between men who possess more than they earned and the men who have earned more than they possess. This process is called the central condition of progress. He states there’s a combination in industry are the results of an imperative economic law. He believes we have the right to expect from the Bureau of corporations and from the interstate commerce commission a very high grade of public service. He also states that we should help any man who
stumbles. The leading retailers propose a solution that states although the number of people receiving relief varies from month to month, the most reliable figures indicate that nearly 18 million individuals are now in the class. There’s many hazards for the man. Some of the hazards are unemployment, insufficient wages, absence of wage-earners from family, sickness and disabilities, old age, and accident and industries. Unemployment is men and women who desire working but are un able to find work. Insufficient wages is no accurate statistics exist under this heading. Absence of wage earner from family is where parents are separated or divorced, or where there is a widowed mother, the family group often lacks a qualified wage earner. sickness and disabilities is the estimated average of a person who id disabled for seven days each year on account of illness. Old age is a disqualification for work in two unequal wages. Accidents and injuries is the loss of the 280 million working days and 420 million dollars in wages. In conclusion there’s many reasons people are for government interventions. There’s also many reasons people who oppose government intervention. Some documents states reasons they agree with it but some the documents also states why they oppose of it. One of the article states how they think it could be fixed. The documents let you see the two sides for the ones who are fort and the ones who are against it. All of the documents had some very good information for the topics they were talking about.