
Why Do People Suffer In The Book Of Job

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Why Do People Suffer In The Book Of Job
In the Old Testament, the Book of Job tries to answer an international question, why do humans suffer? Within the book, Job goes through trails to see if he would go against and overall curse God. In the end of the book, chapters thirty-eight through forty-two, Job was offered twice of what he had before the trails. I am satisfied with the ending and it does offer a better understanding to answering the international question, why do humans suffer?
In the first chapters of the book, Job was the ideal man, he was rich, he was respected, even by the elders, and he was loved by his community. An accuser of God, called the Satan, who was a part of the heavenly council, who patrolled the earth, told God that Job worships and listens to the His word
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God told the Satan to do his worse, but not to touch Job. In the first trial, Job lost all his animals and his family. Despite all of his lost, Job cut all his hair and became naked to worship God, he accepted all the bad that just happened. I believe God allowed these events to occur because God knew Job would not go against Him. God is described as omniscient; therefore, God knew Job’s response and outcome to the trials. In the second trial, the Satan struck Job with severe boils, from head to toe, that would put Job in the most agonizing pain he has ever met in his entire life. Job’s friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar came to comfort him and offer sympathy, yet they did not recognize Job. They did not speak to him for seven days and seven nights. His friends were uncomfortable. Job explained to them these trials were an unjust punishment because he did nothing wrong. They could not explain to Job why this was happening to him so, they did not …show more content…
He remembered his past because he misses the life he once had. This remembrance leads to Job thinking what his life has at that present moment. Job mentions his present suffering, “Yet now they sing of me in mockery; I have become a byword among them. They abhor me, they stand aloof, they do not hesitate to spit in my face! “(Job 30: 9-10), and then finally challenged God, “Oh, that I had one to hear my case; here is my signature: let the Almighty answer me “(Job 31:35). Chapters thirty-eight through forty-two God responds to Job’s challenge. He uses examples of the created world to prove Job is no place to question Him. “Do you know when mountain goats are born, or watch for the birth pangs of deer, Numbers the months that they must fulfill, or know when they give birth” (Job 39: 1-2). God asks Job if he knew when goats were born, this illustrates God pays attention to every small detail, to humans that could be unimportant, despite it means everything to God and his cycle. God continues to other examples like, “Do you give the horse his strength and clothe his neck with a mane? Do you make him quiver like a locust, while his thunderous snorting spreads terror? He paws the valley, he rejoices I his strength, and

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