I used to eat school lunches until I found a bug in my food and the food started making me sick. They also don´t fill you up because I always went to class hungry after lunch. They should add more healthy foods. A look at one school’s burger that had twenty-six ingredients and they contained disodium inosinate, a flavor additive that can spike heart rate. It also contained caramel color, which contains sulfites and ammonia.…
Recently there has been revisions to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and schools were required to overhaul their entire menus to provide the students with healthy and nutritious foods including fruits and vegetables. The new school lunch rules are part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 which has been implemented this fall. (Post Standard) The Hunger Act allows the USDA the opportunity to make reforms to the school lunch and breakfast programs. With these revisions come strict guidelines from the federal government that each school district must follow in order to receive funding and reimbursement (National School Lunch Program, 2012, August p. 1). In this essay i will be comparing the positive and negative effects of these recent revisions to the NSLP. I will then discuss whether or not these changes are beneficial to the children receiving the meal and whether NSLP is leaving children hungry or helping children make healthy food choices.…
Although some students might say they enjoy the hot pizza served everyday, one cannot argue the amount of dripping grease coming off the slice. Coming to the conclusion that those who enjoy it might not be too concerned about their health. And it is obvious to say that foods like that are not at all healthy. Bringing lunch from home however, one can always put together a quality meal. Adding healthy options like cut fruits and vegetables that the school does not offer. It is logical to say that food made in cafeterias is strictly made for the amount of convenience instead of quality.…
Have you ever found your school lunch delicious and left the cafeteria feeling full? Chances are not, and you aren’t the only one. Ever since the new healthy foods have been implemented into the school lunches. Students have immediately refused them. These lunches are failing because they refuse to buy them, are extremely repulsing, and are hardly filling.…
The most obvious change is that a half cup of fruit or vegetables will be served with every lunch. If school districts don’t comply with the new mandates, they won’t be reimbursed by the federal government for their lunch program.The school lunch changes are a responsible response to what health experts call an epidemic.An estimated 23 million children and teens in the U.S. are obese or overweight, a statistic that health and medical experts consider an epidemic. That prevalence puts nearly a third of the country’s kids at early risk of a litany of diseases usually associated with adults with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and even stroke.…
Have you ever gotten a rotten or squishy fruit or vegetable?, and the food looking nasty and unappetizing. What if the school has only has a little bit of food choices would you eat the school food I won't that’s why I’m writing about why the school lunch should be changed.…
Do you like food, but school lunches are unhealthy, are you trying to get in shape well ask yourself would healthier food suit you better and set you on the right path to achieve healthiness at a young age. At some schools are serving junk food and unhealthy food at school which is causing childhood obesity. With new nutrition guidelines, children can eat healthier and become healthier .…
the question, why can’t students leave school for lunch? There are so many other places school cafeteria food doesn’t even compare to. If they were allowed to leave, they would have more lunch options, become more independent, and gain more social experience with the real world. Schools wouldn’t have to make as many lunches for kids which would allow them to make them higher quality. Students should be able to leave school for lunch so that they can eat healthier and become more independent. If students were allowed to leave for lunch, they would be able to eat healthier, more nutritious lunches.It would also give them a chance to go home and make any meal they want. Some people like school lunches but I’m sure that chicken every day for a…
According to the USDA, the new rule for providing healthy Brake fast and lunch to improve health will start July 1 and will be served for 3 years. The number of students who use school meal is increasing by 5.5 million yearly, and as the same time the expense is rising up from $6.6 billion to close $14.4 billion yearly. Based on the information majority of the kids in the school eat their breakfast and lunch at school so it is very important to provide healthy food to reduce obesity, and to provide appropriate or verity nutrition.…
First, USDA made new standards to cut down calories for school lunch. Part of that reason is because it helps reduce the risk of obtaining diseases, as article 3 states. When eating unhealthy foods on a daily basis, you will more than likely become obese and gain a health disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention thinks it is a huge step to change the…
According to Teresa Chin with Youth Radio, many schools have decided to try and start forcing children and teens across the country to eat healthier lunches. These lunches were meant to help with the growing rates of childhood obesity. Government officials think that by decreasing portions and…
“The National School Lunch Program, established in 1946, is one of the federal government's Oldest and largest food assistance services. About 25 million children at about 93,000 schools get lunch through the program, in public and private schools, and in child care facilities. The program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under its Food and Nutrition Service. Participating schools receive cash subsidies and food donated by the USDA. Schocus must meet various federal requirements”(trum 1). the future of students suffers high blood pressure and other…
School lunch may not be every students favorite part of the day, but lunch can make a big impact on a child. Study shows that,” a change in lunch can make an effect on the obesity rate”(Walshmedpagetoday). The gov’t should control school lunches to reduce the obesity epidemic and health risks. School Lunch has been around for a long time in fact school lunch was started by President Harry Truman in 1946. School lunch is offered to all students to provide a nutritionally balanced meal everyday for low or free cost.…
School lunches lack healthy nutrients that growing children and teens need. Because, schools lack the proper funding needed to support students with healthy lunches, students have a horrible diet. A lot of people, including myself, believe that if healthy school lunches were provided students at home would make better choices when it came to what snacks they ate between meals. If schools got better funding for healthier lunches it could theoretically save the government more money because the students in turn would have less health problems.…
When it comes to school lunches, many parents do not see how bad they can truly be. When enrolling your child or children into a school, the lunches are not the first thing that you look at. With the obesity rate in america getting the highest it has ever been, the lunches at the schools that our children go to, are very important and need to be healthy and nutritious for the younger generation.…