School sports cause students to face many injuries. Athletes face injuries such as concussions, fractures, and broken bones. Injuries are very serious things, but injuries on these young student athletes are even more serious because they are still in the growth process (Perkel). Because brain development does not fully stop until one’s late twenties or early thirties, head injuries such as concussions are major and serious injuries. “The number of kids under thirteen seeking treatments for …show more content…
While parents are usually known to be proud of their children for trying their best, as sports began to change, parents view of sports began to change too. Student athletes feel pressured by their parents to get athletic scholarships to college. Some feel without an athletic scholarship, they cannot attend a good college (“Do Athletes Face Unnecessary Parent Pressure?”). Parents do whatever they can to make sure their child is the best, but because of how competitive sports are nowadays, this tension is a lot of students to cope with. Many experts have found that by putting pressure on children, their team is negatively affected, and by doing this, parents are setting their child off in the wrong direction for life once there sports career comes to an end (“Do Athletes Face Unnecessary Parent