3. The expert most qualified to tell you about diet, food, and nutrition is a…
Authors, Wendy Grolnick and Kathy Seal in their argumentative article, “Pay-to-Learn Schemes Shortchange Kids”, claim that rewards cause students to lose interest in school and their education. They support their claim by first introducing a captivating study performed on preschoolers with magic markers and construction paper, then including an engaging activity that required undergraduates, to solve and complete puzzles, and finally explaining the lengthy experiment tested on sixth grade students that allowed them to graduate at the top of their class. Grolnick’s and Seal’s purpose is to argue in order to persuade school districts to invest in programs that build student’s intrinsic motivation. They establish an argumentative tone for schools so that they begin to take the steps necessary to increase student’s effort in school, without constantly…
Student athletes already receive benefits for playing college sports including an education, housing, meals, transportation, and other essentials. This gives them a bonus compared to traditional students of the college. If student athletes start getting paid, there would be no fair way to pay them and it would ruin the college sports industry. Student-athletes should do what previous players have done, which is to play their sport for the love of the game. For those reasons, Student athletes should remain…
It is known amongst the student body that these are the students who are rewarded for their academic achievements. These are the students who are given incentives and rewarded with the pizza parties, field trips, recognition, etc. This can cause a rift between students in lower level classes and their teachers. It also causes a barrier between the lower level student and their eagerness to learn and put forth maximum effort. It may give them the mentality that if they aren’t going to be recognized and rewarded as students in honors or AP classes, then why…
I would ensure that hard work is recognised by means of a school reward scheme; this will encourage the pupils to produce a higher standard of work and those pupils who are less able to try harder to achieve a positive result for their work.…
The additional benefits to the school are that these pupils go on to perform well and take their exams providing a better outcome for the pupils and the school organisation as a…
Hartnett, Tyson. "Why Student Athletes should be paid" Web 23 Jan 2014. This article written by Tyson Hartnett it explains to his readers why student athletes should be paid. The topic of student athletes getting paid can apply to anyone in the field of NCAA sports. Harnett provides examples that a scholarship does not always cover all of the tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, a meal plan and other mysterious unknown expenses. Hartnett article illustrates his points as to why student athletes need to be paid for their services to their university.…
College players need to get paid for what they do. When college players do not get paid, they do not get paid for the great things that they do on national TV. College players make more money for school playing their sport than people's salaries. Did you know that just if you make it to the NCAA BCS game, you get at least six million dollars. That's not even if you win. Sure student athletes get free things like free tuition, board, room fees, and food, but paying players would give them money for things like laundry, late night snacks, food for restaurants when on the road, and just different things. The three reasons why student athletes should get paid is because playing a college sport is like having a job, college players make money for…
Although there are many hard working teens around that work their fingers to the bone everyday that don't get paid a dime the work for their family and friends.Many teens get an allowance, but don't even work teens should get paid for working and doing chores not sitting all day and all night it can also save parents' movies in different ways.…
win and creditability. The average student puts in many hours as well studying, preparing for…
Dedicated students work hard to have good GPAs. They stay awake late doing homework and projects. These students always participate in class, and turn work in on time. As well as dedicating a lot of their time to school, making A honor roll or A&B honor roll through all the four years in high school and receiving awards based on their dedication. Even after doing all of this, when they become high school seniors, they have a giant problem ahead of them: How do I pay for college? Students whose families live in bad conditions do not have the extra money for college. They only have enough money to pay for the necessities such as rent, bills and clothes. This leaves these students who have the dedication, motivation, and work hard without any…
Sports are traced back to 760 B.C. and are still a big part of society’s entertainment today. In today’s world, everyone wants to be the best at sports and will do anything to accomplish that, which is exactly what athletic programs all around the world are doing. High school athletic programs are now an all year type of thing, a famous quote said i“there is no off-season”. Athletes are being pushed to be in one sport all year long, instead of multiple sports per year. Pushing one sport is taking place so skills can be practiced continuously.…
High school graduates must confront the difficulties brought to their attention made by college. One of many questions that they have to find the answer to is how will I pay or get to college. Many colleges have scholarship opportunities, but not all scholarships will apply to them. This makes it unattainable for them to receive a scholarship for college or incoming college students might not know about types of scholarships. Countries like Germany and France are now offering free college to international students and local students, United States should provide free college for everyone and make sure it is well kept.…
Another reason why i think students should get paid for having good grades is because if they got paid that would be more kids getting better grades and getting money and they get rewarded. More and more students would be going to school not missing or skipping. There are studies that show more students do better when they get paid for doing it. People wanna work hard when they have a motivation. Getting money for getting good grades would possibly be one of the best ways to go or it also could be the worst way…
Nowadays, students have a lack of motivation when it comes to putting the effort and hard work in school to get good grades. This issue has caused school districts to come up with ideas to motivate students from new generations to have higher test scores. One ideas is to give students with high test scores a cash bonus. School should not offer this kind of "bonus" for high-test scores because of several reasons, for some of them, it would increase the cheating percentage and it would be unfair for students that take their tests, not do as well as others, but still not cheat.…