Without people having the desire to teach we are left with low quality teachers. If the pay checks raise to a well-paying amount it will bring in talented individuals with a desire to teach giving us great teachers and non-complaining students. A source says “Look back at Ancient Greece; teachers and tutors were payed almost as much as religious leaders and were very respectable and therefore required higher education to beat out the competition. Because of this competetiveness, society became more educated altogether.” This is a great point to bring up based on how we value teachers. Why don’t we value them? They say we’re the future but teachers are the reason why we have futures, they develop our …show more content…
They spend hours on top of hours lesson planning, grading, and making tests. That time is spent after their work hours and through weekends. Some of them even do clubs for after school which is another something they go out of their ways for, for students. We do not give enough credit for what they do. Most careers get paid more for working in an office all day long and doing less work. Teachers struggle with their pay due to having to support their families and payments, they shouldn’t have to go through this. To support more of their financial needs, some get second jobs. Think about how difficult it may be for a person to be a decent teacher, working all day, and sill needing a second job to pay for things. How much do teachers actually get paid? If you search up how much teachers get paid the average amount is $56,000 annually, but the amount varies by state. The starting years of a teacher’s career get an even lower pay and in some areas women don’t get paid as much. With the demanding work and low pay it’s hard for even the most dedicated people to stay in this profession. In other countries, teachers are very valued and get paid a wealthy amount. These countries are Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany and