Adolescents today face a widely popular problem: sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation affects problem solving, attention skills, coping with stress and the ability to be alert. What I ask is what is sleep. Why do we need sleep? What is sleep to us teenagers? To me, sleep is one of the only moments where I can fully relax and recover from the events that happened in the day. I therefore believe that school should definitely start later. For one reason, it is a proven fact that we need at least 9 hours of sleep per night, or we get cranky and stressed. Because of homework and other schoolwork, students often stay awake way past appropriate bed time hours. This causes us to wake up the following morning tired, cranky and often in a bad mood. More sleep greatly improves concentration, reduces amount of stress and of course, would result to less tardies. Schools that have tried starting school slightly later have also instantly shown a huge improvement in their student body academic results. In addition to this, because of the lack of time in the mornings, a lot of teens skip the most important meal of the day, breakfast. Breakfast can actually help you achieve better grades in school because it improves how well you concentrate. Skipping breakfast also affects your mood, and your metabolism. When you are sleeping, your metabolism slows down to a crawl, and eating breakfast gets your metabolism going again, which actually helps you burn fat and calories, on the contrary of what people think. Aside from all of this, I do know that starting school later would result to ending school slightly later, and if you have afterschool activities, you would end up coming home late. This can be solved quickly by cutting a bit of lunch off, and also of your homeroom class time. Imagine starting school at 9am and finishing school at 3:30. Wouldn’t that be better?…