
Why Do We Have The Right To Bear Arms Essay

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Why Do We Have The Right To Bear Arms Essay
When our country's founding fathers created the constitution, they gave us the second amendment declaring that we had the right to bear arms. Lately, our modern government has been attempting to deprive us of this right by creating and/or passing laws that make it more difficult to purchase and carry firearms. With the recent outrage of shootings and murders in the US, many of our citizens have been rallying and protesting, demanding more gun control laws to protect us. However, will that really protect us? As statistics have shown, gun control laws result in higher crime rates than before. In fact, the cities or states with the lowest firearm crime rates are the cities or states with the most leniency with regard to gun control. Cities or states that allow citizens to carry their weapons have a much lower firearm crime rate than those with strict gun control laws. …show more content…
The majority of US citizens vote no, that we should be permitted to bear arms and that we should not, in any way, break the constitution. Under any circumstance, many of us americans believe that the constitution should not be broken. The constitution was written by the founders of our nation to ensure both our safety and freedom. No person or government entity should have the right to change laws and rights that were established hundreds of years

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