He kept putting these thoughts into everyone’s heads and before one knew it, it became reality. In the article, The Holocaust, Part Two: The "Final Solution" Nazis killed 500 prisoners using poison gas for no reason. We continue to learn about this because it is a very devastating time that happened in our world's past and everyone should know what horrible things were done. We should also continue to learn about this because once we learn from our mistakes we won’t make them again. Instead of letting someone slowly take power and ruin the nation we can stop it before it gets out of hand. In the article, The Holocaust, Part One: The Rise of Adolf Hitler and World War II, “They went from a small political group to a powerful one.” If we knew how to defeat Hitler before he came to power we would have lost a lot less people than we
He kept putting these thoughts into everyone’s heads and before one knew it, it became reality. In the article, The Holocaust, Part Two: The "Final Solution" Nazis killed 500 prisoners using poison gas for no reason. We continue to learn about this because it is a very devastating time that happened in our world's past and everyone should know what horrible things were done. We should also continue to learn about this because once we learn from our mistakes we won’t make them again. Instead of letting someone slowly take power and ruin the nation we can stop it before it gets out of hand. In the article, The Holocaust, Part One: The Rise of Adolf Hitler and World War II, “They went from a small political group to a powerful one.” If we knew how to defeat Hitler before he came to power we would have lost a lot less people than we