The first argument for the necessity of a criminal justice system is the sustainment of public order and the preservation of individuals’ freedoms. This protection ensures the freedom of people which would otherwise live in fear and consequently have their liberties greatly curtailed (Daly, Israel & Goldsmith, 2006). Most of what is striven for by the criminal justice system, in a liberal-democratic society, includes equity, fairness and appropriateness in everyday activities of the individual (Bryett, Caswell & Shaw, 1993). Examples through history show that a society without a criminal justice system would become anarchic and ungovernable as there would be no central law and order structure and rule of law to control citizens, as commoners and leaders alike, who commit crimes, would not be answerable to any system (Smith & Natalier, 2005). Consequently without a functional criminal justice system, common order and the very freedoms that most modern societies experience would not and could not be upheld. The second argument is that the criminal justice system, with it
References: Bryett, K., Craswell, E., Harrison, A. & Shaw, J. (1993). An Introduction to Policing: Vol. 1: Criminal Justice in Australia. Sydney: Butterworths. Daly, K., Israel, M. & Goldsmith, A. (2006). Aims of the Criminal Justice System, Crime and Justice: A Guide to Criminology, 3rd ed., Lawbook Co, Sydney, pp. 265-281. Equality and Human Rights Commission, (2010). Criminal Justice System. Retrieved from Haney, C. (2008). Prison: Harmful Consequences and Dysfunctional Reactions. Testimony of Professor Craig Haney. Retrieved from http://www.prisoncommission.org/statements/haney_craig.pdf Heseltine, K., Day, A. & Sarre, R. (2009). Prison-based correctional offender rehabilitation programs: The 2009 national picture in Australia. Executive Summary. Retrieved from http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/5/6/4/%7B564B2ECA-4433-4E9B-B4BA-29BD59071E81%7Drpp112.pdf Robinson, M. & Williams, M. (2009). The myth of a Fair Criminal Justice System. Justice Policy Journal. Vol 1(1). Retrieved from