This country once known for domination it exercised over the world and its flourishing industry, today is a country that its inhabitants wish to leave. We must admit, emigration is a phenomenon very present and growing in recent years. The subject remains taboo: political deny that the decisions snuff spent decades in the past have resulted in a disaffection of French for their country. They are more likely to want to settle here permanently based in other countries much more welcoming than their own. The reasons are many: unemployment, tax exile, business creation opportunity. The French are determined to leave. The consequences are bad for the economy: loss of talent, loss of income related to tax …show more content…
Thus, the number of young graduates who expatriate increases by 4% per year (source: Foreign Ministry) since 2000. Most of these young people are highly skilled, over 60% have five years of study in the superior. According to a survey conducted by the site 1/5 business school graduate and 1/10 engineering school graduate go abroad for their first job because of much more interesting opportunity than in France.
Switzerland, the United States and Germany arrive in the top of the most popular countries by the young graduates. The unemployment rate is lower and the French graduates are accomodated there with open arms by local businesses. In addition, the opportunity of evolution are much more interesting than in France. Indeed, one of the main reasons cited is that these young people can reach employment by 2 or 3 years that they would never have been in France at least 10 years of …show more content…
Opportunities to seize, advantageous taxation, facilities for business creators ... And the French mentality is not conducive to business creation. Indeed, the failure of an entrepreneurial project is very frowned upon. Conversely, it is an experience that will be valued by US recruiters. Also, we must speak of an evil that affects France for years. Succeeding in business and making money are very bad things perceived in France. This reasoning does not totally stupid encourages creators to build their business in the