Hyderabad probably has the maximum number of boutiques owned by women as compared to the other metropolitan cities. Almost every area in the city has a few boutiques which sell clothes, jewellery, linens, artifacts, etc. There are various reasons why women prefer this business over others, and why it is particularly famous in this city.
Women possess high knowledge in the field of fashion, be it clothes or interiors. They have a strong inclination towards it and have a great sense of taste for the same. This makes boutique the most preferred choice as it directly utilizes and implements their knowledge, skill and talent.
This field does not require a superior technical knowledge or educational background. Many, being students of Fashion Designing, started their boutiques. The support of family and friends is generally high in these ventures.
The risks involved in this business are low. The initial capital required is not very high making it favorable to the Indian women as compared to other lines. Most of the boutiques started on a low-scale, selling only a few pieces based on their demand, to large outlets. Many women use their own premises to set up the business, reducing on costs. The labor costs for this business is not too high either and breakeven point can be reached soon.
The woman entrepreneur usually has her own network of supply and demand chain. Her customers usually include her network of relatives, and friends that are made through various kitties, social clubs and gatherings, etc. The publicity is mostly done on word-of-mouth basis, reducing the costs of advertising. The entry barriers in the business are also low, and the success stories of a few boutiques gives impetus to the others to follow. Many of these entrepreneurs get their supplies from other cities like Jaipur and Kolkata. This makes their collection the latest, cheap and different from that