Techniques such as self-service checkouts and tap and go are widely used in supermarkets as they allow customers to make quick and easy purchases. Supermarkets are also using online shopping to allow customers to buy goods and services without leaving the house. In this Coles, it is located in a big shopping mall that allows consumers to buy multiple products from different shops at once.
Marketing …show more content…
Supermarkets have aisles just for baby’s needs and makeup. Supermarkets also usually include small kids toys along some aisle, as in these photographs they have bouncy balls and water guns.
Customers have become more concerned with environmental issues as the impacts of poor environmental decisions are becoming reality. Now many products sold are now branded with environmental messages. In these photos and the chickens are RSPCA approved, the eggs are from cage-free birds. Consumers also buy reusable bags instead of plastic bags.
Question 2
JB Hi-Fi uses a wide range of marketing to promote their store and products. They position their items in a way that wherever you walk you will see their wide range of items, through sale bins in the middle of the pathway or end of aisle shelves. They offer a variety of products from TVs to Headphones, to speakers to Video Games. They use massive, brightly coloured signs to catch customer’s eyes and show their prices of their products. These signs hang from ceilings and draped across from once place to another. The signs often include persuasive wording such as “smashing prices”, “always cheapest”, “biggest range”, “lowest prices” and the “best …show more content…
JB Hi-Fi also has lots of staff to ask about deals and products. The store includes consistent persuasion techniques like air conditioning and music. They also have their cashier at the back, which forces the customer to go to the back of the store allowing the opportunity for them to buy more than what they need.
Question 3
Consumers have a wide range of outlets to access an item. Products can be bought directly from the manufacturer, or from the wholesaler who buys the goods from the manufacturer in large quantities. Nevertheless, most consumers buy from the retailer, who buys from the goods in smaller quantities from the wholesaler. Different retailers sell their goods at different prices to compete with other brands and still make a profit. Some retailers offer products to be bought online and delivered. The whole shop is filled with items that all have special deals and discounts.
The Samsung 60'' Ultra HD Smart LED LCD TV can be brought from a wide range of well-known and trusted brands, such as Bing Lee Electronics, The Good Guys, Betta, Harvey Norman and Video Pro.
These brands all offer different deals that may also have extras such as free