1. Why do you want to be an education major?
Obviously, we are asked this all the time. From the moment we apply to our dream colleges to the day we finally get the job. However, I feel as though people are asking this in more of a disgust or sarcastic tone. "Why do you want to work with kids? Ew. Isn't there anything better for you to major in?" As an education major myself, I don't understand why people need to voice their opinion on my major at all. Obviously, I'm not going to change it because of your opinion. Teachers make the world go round. Without teachers, how would people know to read, write, and do arithmetic? Exactly! So please stop with your 'other majors are elite to education majors attitude' because we don't care. …show more content…
Do students from other majors have to go through this? I highly doubt it because they don't have to deal with kids (which are the future I may include).
2. What grade do you want to teach?
I've changed my intended grade after every internship and practicum experience to this day. I don't know what specific grade I plan to teach. Honestly, I just want a job, I don't care what grade I have to work with. As an education major, I will be limited to K-6, so that gives me some narrowing down, but who cares what grades I work with. As long as I'm making a difference and teaching these kids the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in later grades and life, then I'm okay.
3. Do you plan to teach forever?
Obviously no one plans to do something forever. At least, I HOPE no one plans to be stagnant forever. As for myself, I hope to gradually progress in the education field. I have so many goals within this field that I could honestly dedicated a whole different