this question, we must look at the both sides of the argument to understand the reasons why people believe in God or don’t believe in God. In my opinion, I believe there is a God.
During 1941 to 1945 in World War II many Jewish people were killed by Adolf Hitler leader of the Nazi Regime.
Hitler was trying to create a master race and he hated all that was affecting the growth of this “master race”. Hitler’s hatred towards the Jewish people cause deaths amongst 11 million people; Jews, homosexuals, disabled people, gypsies, tramps and anyone he thought would affect the development and growth of the master race; he was creating.2.) Amongst the 11 million people killed 6 million of the people were Jews. The Jewish people forced to go into execution camps which said "Arbeit macht frei" in other words “work makes you free”, they were then tricked and placed into gas chambers where they were stripped of their clothes and then killed. Apart from getting executed from Gas chambers, Jewish people were also experimented on by the Nazi’s and many were also killed by the “Hunger Plan” which was a plan where the Jews would starve to death. The strong survived and the weak were killed. Those which weren’t killed either attempted to escape or were forced to work in labor jobs. These are some ways that the Nazi tyranny used to annihilate the Jewish …show more content…
After the Holocaust many people started to lose their faith in God. The main reason why people started to lose their faith in God was because Jewish people were known as Gods people. Not only did the Holocaust show people that they may be no God, it also showed them that even if there is a God he would be not be omnipotent nor benevolent lacking the aspects of what God should be. Furthermore many Holocaust survivors also shared their experience with the world that there is no God. Primo Levi and Elie Wiesel were examples of Holocaust survivors who lost their faith to God. God did not help the Jews and God let Hitl er murder the Jews which makes God a murderer too. According to the bible the line Isaiah 44:3 “For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring” explicitly states that God will help those who are suffering. As we can tell from historical texts we know that the Jews were suffering from the Holocaust. But the Jews never received any help from God. Therefore we can conclude that God is not real.
To oppose the previous paragraph in the Bible Genesis 3, God told Adam and Eve that they could live in the Garden of Eden, but the only thing they couldn’t do was eat the fruit from one of the trees, Adam and Eve had the option of obeying God or choosing Evil which was to disobey God and eat the fruit. God is all knowing therefore he knows our future. Despite the fact that he knew Adam and Eve would sin he still let evil overtake them. He did not take their free will away and let them own judgement. If God was to prevent evil from happening then he is basically taking our freedom away. This “free will defense” explains why there is evil on earth and why God could not just prevent the Holocaust from happening.
During the Holocaust Hitler was the one who murdered the Jews through concentration camps.
It is unjustified that God is to blame for what happened during the Holocaust. Imagine a scenario where you are a believer of God and one day a random man comes to your house and kills your family but not you. The thing that you would do it to blame God for not preventing the murder and blame him for killing your family, but in fact God is not the one who killed your family, the random man is the one who killed your family. We can relate this situation to the Holocaust. It’s the same situation, you blame God for not helping the Jews but he is not the one who killed them, Hitler is. To support this idea a famous philosopher called Irenaeus made an Irenaean Theodicy which states that humans born evil. Irenaeus believes that through evil and suffering humans can develop to become morally good. For example we cannot be generous when there isn’t poverty. To conclude God allows evil to happen so that humanity will benefit a
lot. To conclude God did not kill the Jewish people. As it is not his fault to blame for the actions of what Hitler did. As explained before the Irenaean theodicy & the ‘free will defense’ are two reasons why suffering and evil is compatible with God’s existence. In summary God is all powerful and all loving and allows evil to exist for the sake of human to develop.