One of the biggest determinants of our choices and decisions in life is if something is ethical or not. Ethics is …show more content…
Slavery has actually resulted in a more defined type of slavery called psychological slavery. This is a type of slavery that develops within a slave over time. Over time some slaves will develop a false sense of positive connection with their owner. They serve for so long that they no longer understand that that how they are being treated is ethically wrong. This is a greater psychological effect of slavery (Nogales). Other effects include loss of self-identification, loss of happiness, possibly resulting in depression and many others. Slaver also had and continues to have a large impact on societal structure. During the colonial expansion era and the early period of the United States, slavery shaped the nation. For the whites the slave run country was a positive. It helped boost the economy and the South solely relied on slaves for production, labor, and even population towards representation in the government. But, slavery resulted in a negative effect in the cultural society of the African Americans. Africans, who would soon become African Americans, were forced to leave much of their culture behind. In the new land they were brought to or born into the language spoken was not the same. The religion practiced greatly differed from their beliefs. The slaves were forced into a completely new society, one that resulted in social separation, rebellion, chaos, even war. Slavery in the United States is only an example that can show the effects of slavery. Slavery still occurs today and the same effects are taking place. Societies are still dependent on slaves and social rankings continue to