This council was called in relation to the heretic Eutyches who argued that Jesus two natures, being human and divine, were merged into one single nature, which he called monophysitism. Eutyches also says that in that one nature the divine nature was more present over the human nature. Pope Leo 1 is the one that speaks out in contrast to the teachings of Eutyches. He says that “the union of natures is in the personhood/who of Jesus, not among the natures themselves” . This molds into the term, or mystery, Hypostatic Union. This means that in Jesus there is both a divine nature and human nature because there is a unity which is the person of Jesus Christ. The Council also points out that the natures are never mixed, confused, or separated because again “. . . they are always united in the single/same/only person/who of Jesus” . This has to be true because in order to be our savior he has to have the nature and the will to choose to save us all from sin and the divine ability to complete our
This council was called in relation to the heretic Eutyches who argued that Jesus two natures, being human and divine, were merged into one single nature, which he called monophysitism. Eutyches also says that in that one nature the divine nature was more present over the human nature. Pope Leo 1 is the one that speaks out in contrast to the teachings of Eutyches. He says that “the union of natures is in the personhood/who of Jesus, not among the natures themselves” . This molds into the term, or mystery, Hypostatic Union. This means that in Jesus there is both a divine nature and human nature because there is a unity which is the person of Jesus Christ. The Council also points out that the natures are never mixed, confused, or separated because again “. . . they are always united in the single/same/only person/who of Jesus” . This has to be true because in order to be our savior he has to have the nature and the will to choose to save us all from sin and the divine ability to complete our