
Why Doesn 'T Donald Trump Have The Experience' To Be A President?

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Why Doesn 'T Donald Trump Have The Experience' To Be A President?
Donald Trump Doesn't Have the Experience' to Be President because Donald trumps it not a good person because Donald Trump really went to be a president. But he don't like Obama because Obama was the first black person be the president of united state of American, and second of all, Donald is not the person, that was people say. But some people like him will some people like. I don't why people like him, but Donald Trump is racist because he don't like Mexico, and Donald Trump take the Unifvision on the TV show. It's the Mexico show, that why Donald Trump should not be a President. Because Donald Trump is racist. Donald Trump makes fun of people even people are famous people.

I know why Donald Trump went to be a president, but

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