Under Gordon Brown and Ed Balls, schools have lost their principal purpose – and been saddled with a host of supplementary roles. As the flagship document of Ed’s first year in office – the Children’s Plan – indicated, schools are less places of teaching and learning and more community hubs from which a host of children’s services can be delivered. In that sense education has indeed been eclipsed – and the renaming of the Department is genuinely significant – we no longer have a single department of state charged
Under Gordon Brown and Ed Balls, schools have lost their principal purpose – and been saddled with a host of supplementary roles. As the flagship document of Ed’s first year in office – the Children’s Plan – indicated, schools are less places of teaching and learning and more community hubs from which a host of children’s services can be delivered. In that sense education has indeed been eclipsed – and the renaming of the Department is genuinely significant – we no longer have a single department of state charged