
Why Electives Should Be Taught In Schools

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Elective classes such as art, music, gym, and auto mechanics are an important part of a students schedule during school. They give the children an opportunity to express themselves and their uniqueness, gives them a chance to interact and be sociable, and gives them experience for possible future careers. Reasons such as these are why we should not eliminate these subjects from schools. Uniqueness is a primary concern. Different varieties of art and music classes are offered as electives in school systems today. My school offers digital art, commercial art, and 2D and 3D drawing classes. Students can also participate in different music classes such as chorus, jazz band, and symphonic band. These classes give students the opportunity to express themselves through something they enjoy doing in many different ways. The electives are designed to specifically cater to a certain individual and what their skills are. Although electives do cost a significant amount of money and have a lot of needs that must be met, they greatly benefit the students and should not be removed from the school systems. …show more content…

Elective classes such as gym are not as serious and strict as other core classes’ students sit in all day. It allows children to get up, move around, and socialize. In the novel “Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie”, the protagonist has one class out of the six with his friend and that one class is what he looks forward to every day. It was the only class he had a chance to socialize and be outgoing in. The electives give students a mental break from the rigorous classes they participate in and lets them be kids. Classes like these are essential for a child’s social skills and mental

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