Some Dangers of Drinking Energy Drinks
Why Energy Drinks Are Really Unhealthy:
Some Dangers of Drinking Energy Drinks
A lot of people drink energy drinks now, especially young people and teenagers. Adults drink Red Bull and Monsters too explaining it that strong coffee doesn’t help them. Of course, people feel good when they drink energy drinks. Energy drinks have become popular among students in preparation for exams, office workers who do not have time to meet the deadline, some athletes (in fitness clubs), tired drivers and clubbers - for anyone who is tired, but should feel fresh and full of energy. After drinking the energy drink, you immediately feel a surge of strength, vitality, improves mood and increases the reaction rate. If we compare the effect of energy with a cup of coffee, it is many times greater than it, and lasts a long time.
From time immemorial people have used stimulants. Thus, in the Middle East people to have strength and energy drink coffee, in China and Asia - tea in Africa - cola nuts. Magnolia, Ginseng, Aralia were popular in Siberia. Energy drinks have appeared in the late twentieth century. A businessman from Australia after a trip to Asia has decided to establish manufacturing engineers. The first energy drink on an industrial scale was Red Bull. Energetic quickly won the love of the consumer along with Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
To taste all the energy drinks are not much different from to simple soda. But we know that the manufacturers add vitamins, carbohydrates, and even caffeine. And all this is done to a man tormented life immediately cheered up, felt a surge of strength and in the end felt an interest in this very life. There are doubts? It is known that the composition comprises carbonated beverage energetic water, sugar, and a mysterious color. As they say, drink to your health! The components of energy drinks are not chosen by chance. Carbohydrates are charged
References: Boy treated after Red Bull binge. (2008, February 20). BBC. Retrieved from Blanchard K.(2010, August 17). Energy drink risks may outweigh benefits. EmaxHealth. Retrieved from Brody J.E. (2011, January 31). Scientists see dangers in energy drinks. New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from Caffeine & Health: Clarifying The Controversies. International food information council foundation. Energy drink facts. Healthy Planet diet. Retrieved from Energy drink side effects. Energy fiend. Retrieved from Sara M. Seifert, BS, Judith L. Schaechter, MD, Eugene R. Hershorin, MD, Steven E. Lipshultz, MD (2010). Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. Pediatrics. Retrieved from Surrey school bans hight-energy drinks. (2010, March 25). BBC. Retrieved from Zeratsky K. (2012, March 27) Nutrition and healthy eating. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from