America is a country well-known for its multicultural population. Having a variety of culture, nations and people around the world cope up to this country in hope of having bigger opportunities. When you consider having one language you restrict on a lot of things, people would think it would be illegal to have their own culture …show more content…
The country is united by the different culture that molds them. It would decrease the number of immigrants but increase on the number of hate crimes. People with limited english would be discriminated and may lead to terror attacks. In addition, United States of America is also known as the land of the free and the land of opportunity. Wouldn’t making English as the official language of this country takes away the opportunity?
English-only proponents stated that it would save a lot of money. In the article ‘Why English should be the official language of the United States’ by Brandon Brice said that the direct cost of translators alone are billions, and having English an official language would save a great amount in federal spending. However, the fund for English is the Second Language (ESL) classes are undercapitalized. The government would not be able to support the incoming millions of limited-English proficient immigrants.
In conclusion, having multiple language is what makes America a great country. The United States is a home to hundreds of millions of people and their unnumbered cultural traditions, a home of immigrants. Language is a matter that is difficult to control and restrict. Thus, we should let the people do what they do, and leave it as it