
Why Following Orders Is Important

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Why Following Orders Is Important
The Importance of Orders.
What would the military be without rules and regulations to follow? A brief answer would be that every man and woman in the service would be considered just another civilian but with guns doing whatever they wanted and going to war with whoever they wanted without any consequences. Our military services are highly honored for the obedience they set in stone throughout all the service men and women. Obedience goes beyond listening to the commanding officer, it also involves training your body how to work through the different situations and environments you will face, putting others before yourself without stopping to think what will happen to you, and doing what you can to make others feel safer. The military lifestyle is not for everyone.
As a short answer I could say that following orders is important so that innocents do not get hurt, yet it goes beyond that. Yes, the best answer is there could be casualties but there could casualties in everything you do. When a young adult first signs up for the service, they are either doing it because they know it is their calling in life or they are running away from something. If they are the
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There are different articles in place to make sure that any recruit who wishes to defy what they are to do, will face those consequences. The military recognizes that respect for authority is what maintains order and prevents the eruption of chaos and is then willing to set an example for all who might be tempted to oppose their leaders, by administering these punishments first hand without any judicial representatives. Furthermore, article 90 makes it clearly illegal to disobey an order by a military officer. Anyone who decides to try and challenge the laws, with face the punishment for it. The more serious the crime means the harder the

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