
Why George Should Not Have Killed Lennie

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Why George Should Not Have Killed Lennie
Why George Should Not Have Killed Lennie
At the last time I read book named “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck.. This book was interesting! I like it, we might understand this book in two ways, that we agree what George did and that we can not understand what George did. I know that a lot of people say that George should have killed Lennie, but I think that George should have not killed Lennie. He should not killed Lennie because it is not humanitarian, everyone has a right to life. When we killed someone we will be hate ourselves for whole life. George didn’t try to run away together with Lennie, he gave up too early. George killed Lennie, he was a normal person. I can not imagine why people might kill someone. Everyone has just one life,

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