And no, I am not going to go on and talk about the teacher’s pets. There are many different factors which can influence grades. For one, we have cheating. On an article entitled “Most High-School Students Cheat,” Kenneth Kiewra, a study researcher and a professor of educational psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said that students are aware of what constitutes cheating, but they do it anyway. And at times, students don’t grasp that some dishonest acts are cheating. (Most High-School Students Cheat, 2010) In this case, a student’s grade is based upon how skillful of a ninja he is and not on his “ability to learn and understand things,” which is the definition of the word intelligent according to the Merriam-Webster
And no, I am not going to go on and talk about the teacher’s pets. There are many different factors which can influence grades. For one, we have cheating. On an article entitled “Most High-School Students Cheat,” Kenneth Kiewra, a study researcher and a professor of educational psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said that students are aware of what constitutes cheating, but they do it anyway. And at times, students don’t grasp that some dishonest acts are cheating. (Most High-School Students Cheat, 2010) In this case, a student’s grade is based upon how skillful of a ninja he is and not on his “ability to learn and understand things,” which is the definition of the word intelligent according to the Merriam-Webster