I am going to tell you about my inspiration and that is Derek Wolfe and how I am so inspired by him. So know let's get into the essay, and so I can tell you about him and how I am inspired by him. So when i was growing up i was like a 11 years old i became a big fan of Football. I was always happy when i was watching the games, and as I got older i started to notice this one guy he was a beast at defensive end and how he has a lot of fans and that guy was Derek Wolfe. Some information about him is that he is 26 years old, he is 6’ 5” that is pretty tall. He was selected 36th overall by the Broncos in the 2012 NFL draft. PS, the Broncos are my favorite team. The last two things of information about him is that Derek Wolfe was born February 24, 1990 which makes …show more content…
him 26 years old.
The college that Derek Wolfe went to was the University of Cincinnati. So the reason why I am inspired by Derek Wolfe because first off all that is my dream is to play for the NFL and be super good at it. Some other reasons why I am inspired by Derek Wolfe is because he is a really Nice guy and he treats
people with respect. One day I would like to meet their coffee because he seems really cool and he plays my favorite position and it's my favorite team. Another reason why am inspired by him is because he's good at what he does. I was really inspired by him when he started him cause I said to myself I really want to be like him when I grow up. Those are my reasons why I am inspired by Derek Wolfe. My next main idea is why I want to be like him. Then one reason why I want to be like him is because he is a big inspiration on my life and I really like the Denver Broncos and one day I want to play that position that he plays defensive end. Another reason why I want to be like his is because I would like to have a lot of fans and become very popular. My third reason is why I would like to be like Derek Wolfe is because I would want to see how it would feel to be rich well kind rich, because not all football players act like they are rich and brag about it. My last reason is cause he is nice and he has a lot of fans and a lot of all the football players for the broncos. So i want to have a lot of fans and sign peoples autographs and make them happy and even have to hang out with my fans like do a meet up and and just hang out with them for the day. So that is why i would like to have a lot of fans and become popular with a lot of fans. In conclusion, those are my reasons why i would like to be like Derek Wolfe and why I am inspired by him. Hope you liked my essay.