Even though I have not really traveled abroad before, there is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to adapt to any differences in London. Something that I think that I can contribute to the London program is my love of learning about other cultures. All my life, I have had friends from different cultures: Chinese, Indian, and Pakistani to name a few. When the opportunity arose at Babson, to learn more about these cultures through enrolling in the course South Asian History, I took it. One thing I have found at Babson, is while we talk about the importance of a global mindset, few people actually take the time to understand other cultures and appreciate them. Most of the times on Babson’s campus, people of similar cultures stay together, rather than interacting with people from different cultures. Through South Asian History, I have been able better understand and appreciate the culture of my friends. I’ve been able to better understand a part of the world (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.), that most people view as just violent, and full of terrorists. With my new knowledge, I am able to better educate people on the culture of these countries and combat stereotypes portrayed by the media.
Even though I have not really traveled abroad before, there is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to adapt to any differences in London. Something that I think that I can contribute to the London program is my love of learning about other cultures. All my life, I have had friends from different cultures: Chinese, Indian, and Pakistani to name a few. When the opportunity arose at Babson, to learn more about these cultures through enrolling in the course South Asian History, I took it. One thing I have found at Babson, is while we talk about the importance of a global mindset, few people actually take the time to understand other cultures and appreciate them. Most of the times on Babson’s campus, people of similar cultures stay together, rather than interacting with people from different cultures. Through South Asian History, I have been able better understand and appreciate the culture of my friends. I’ve been able to better understand a part of the world (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.), that most people view as just violent, and full of terrorists. With my new knowledge, I am able to better educate people on the culture of these countries and combat stereotypes portrayed by the media.