I’ve always loved the ocean, the salinity and the waves… I never wanted to get out of the water”, Mariota said with a huge smile.
“Well actually, that’s why I turned you into a mermaid.”, Lorelei expressed to Mariota.
“How did you know I’ve always wanted to be a mermaid Lorelei.”
“Since I’m the only mermaid, let alone the only speaking pelagic organism in the ocean, and everyone’s afraid of me, I always used to swim up close to shore and listen to the humans on boats conversations because I was so lonely. Every weekend I always heard you expressing how much you loved the ocean to your friends, and how they thought you were weird, so I figured…”, Lorelei said while looking down at the small polyps beneath her tail.
Mariota said, finishing Lorelei’s sentence, “... and you figured that I would rather live down here and be friends with you instead of up there? Welp you’re correct, I would love to be friends with you Lorelei!” “Yay! You can tell me everything that goes on up there and I can tell you everything that goes down here!”, Lorelei said excitedly. “Wait, but can we discuss all of this over something to eat?”, Mariota asked as her stomach growled …show more content…
That doesn’t sound very appealing.”, Mariota expressed to Lorelei as they swam down into a nearby oceanic trench.
“Yeah, when I a teenager, I was befriended by Ursula the Sea Witch, she cursed me to only eat my fellow mermaids and mermen. Once I ate the whole mermaid population, I began eating other sea organisms. I just couldn’t stop craving the salty taste of sea organisms which caused everyone to call me the The Cannibal and ever since that day, everyone hates me.”
Mariota then stopped in her tracks,“You aren’t gonna eat me