When I was in high school I discovered the field of physical therapy through my senior anatomy teacher, who exposed me to the greatness that these individuals are capable of. I learned about the wide array of common injuries that can occur to anyone at any time, even despite an adequate diet or daily exercise. My observations and my experiences with the PTs and PTAs that I shadowed gave me a much more realistic grasp of the jobs and responsibilities that physical therapists have daily. As a physical therapist assistant, one helps perform and provides the constructive movements that are required for a patient to safely recover. Physical therapist assistants not only assist the patients in these beneficial exercises, but they also provide the patient with at-home stretches and movements so that they may perform their workload in the convenience of their own home. In addition to these tasks, one will also give the patient the information necessary so that they can live safer lives and prevent themselves from a possible …show more content…
The fact that complexity finds its way all the way down to the cellular level is astonishing to say the least. As a student, I found the seemingly perfect rhythm of the body and its physiology almost irresistible, hence why I am attempting to become a health-care professional. Moreover, I am intrigued with the idea of using my understanding of the human anatomy to my advantage by assisting those enduring physical traumas. I see every patient as a family member, or that they have family members that are worried about their well-being. The practice of physical therapy is the safest and most effective procedure that a patient can find when they are seeking an end to their constant or acute pain. The idea that with the guidance and support of a physical therapist, one can expect a healthy recovery without the use of any medication is brilliant. Using repetitious movements and providing the information that a patient in need requires is the most efficient route that one can take to get back onto their feet. The caring and sympathetic nature of a physical therapist along with their constant support can often be the make or break aspect that results in a successful physical therapist. I see myself as having these qualities and I envision using them to my advantage to help patients live a happier