The orthopedic physical therapy focuses on restoring function to the musculoskeletal system including joints tendons ligaments and bones. Many sports injuries fall into this category. Treatment methods include streagth traininig, endurance, exercises, hot and clod packs, ultrasounds, electrical musele stimulationand joint mobilizatio. A Physical Therapsist helps injured or ill people improve their movement and manage their pain. Therse therapists are often an important part of rehabilitation and treatment of patients with cronic conditions or injuries. The orthopedic sports medicin doctor specializes in injuries occurring to bones and other connective tissues, including legaments, tendons and muscles. Orthopedic sports medicine doctors are more focused on the surgical aspects of sports-related injuries, rather than general non-invasive procedures that are more typical delegated towards general sports medicine doctors. …show more content…
My reason being that I love helping people and I believe that as the years go on and by the time I get my degree there will be so many people with a cronic condition that will need my help. I believe this because in the world that we live in I see every day on the news that there are so many people who are randomly getting really sick and a lot of people are getting cancer. Not only are people getting cancer but there people who get into car accedents and some people who have come back from war who need therapy. I believe that one person’s choice can make a