When I started my junior year of high school I went to the career center for dental assisting. I was expecting to go to enroll into Columbus State Community College, get a major in Dental Hygiene, and then get my Dental Hygienist license in two years. However, after the last two years of being in the Dental Assisting program, like Shelia, I knew I did not want to be what I thought I wanted to be. I am going in a new direction, to major in nursing. One reason is, since I was young I always took extra concern for people’s wellbeing and would like to make a career out of it. I would also like to expand my nursing and become a Pediatrician. The second reason why Shelia’s story is relatable to mine is that I am great with little kids and I think that being a Pediatrician would be a good career for…
The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast a university with a local community college. A university offers more diverse academic degree whereas a community college is very technical and industry driven. Although universities and community colleges serve the same educational purpose, they have different approaches in certain areas. There are some different aspects one can note when comparing and contrasting a community college with a university: admission requirements, the collegiate environment, and the conveniences.…
Community college, The worst fear for some and the best experience for others. Many people think that community college is a bad place to attend. They think they might not be good enough to be in a 4 year university. They seem to take that negativity throughout, their whole college experience. In the article, The Seven False Beliefs: Addressing the psychosocial Underpreparedness of the community College Student by Miranda, It stated that many community college students don’t start with the greatest attitude and their beliefs can also have a negative impact on them. The student already have a lot going on for example, work, financial aid, social life. All of this is a lot to handle for one person and sometimes that can create a big stress.…
It’s very hard to believe that there are so many options for students to get an education right now. Students have the options to physically go to class, take them online, receive certification training and the list goes on. I graduated high school in 2002 and around that time, it seems that I only had two options: community college or a four-year university. Personally, I was leaning towards a Prince Georges Community College in Largo, MD, but my traditional parents disagreed. They were urging me to attend Towson University in Towson, MD. I really had to sit down and debate the pros and cons of both, before I could make a final decision.…
Many reasons for me the determination to attend college; some of the reasons are I want to increased knowledge, make new experiences and career preparation. The community college teaches us closer such as labor, friendly and even loving relationships. Not to mention the friendships in the future could thrive in jobs, businesses and societies. A community college will definitely broaden the horizon of our view of things. Completed college will help me meet the demands that exist in the current job market. When choosing a profession they can learn different skills, which will help me succeed. Studying in a community college can be one of the most enriching experiences of our life…
With President Obama getting ready to leave office and the 2016 presidential campaign that's been going on we have more than often heard the question Should community college be free? President Obama came fourth with the idea of making community college free and as we have seen some people including presidential candidates like Bernie Sander support this, however not everyone agrees that this is a good idea. The hope that President Obama has with making community college free is that more people will be encouraged to go out and get their degree. As we often see more students who have graduated high school tend to go to work rather than continuing going to school and part of the reason for this is that these kids don't want to be in debt. Making…
I would like to transfer once I get my associate degree at a community college because I feel I am ready to move forward with my education. I currently am enrolled at Cabrillo Community College, which is, for the most part, a transfer prep college. Community College has prepared me to study at a University and I hope to continue my studies as far as I can go. As I grew up, I was interested in a wide range of subjects and never found one thing I was truly passionate about. When I started at community college, I was set on a computer science major because I knew I was computer proficient and enjoyed spending my free time figuring out programs. I struggled a great deal in the major. As I realized that I was not passionate about programming, I…
Community college is the first step to becoming closer to your career. You want to make the most out of your time as a student by being productive. In order to be a successful community college student you need to set goals, participate in your classes, and manage your time wisely.…
I have often dreamt of going to college. The comparison of the different colleges was a learning experience. The admission requirements, classroom sizes, and the costs helped me to decide on which college would best suit my needs. Though I must admit, my affinity for community college had me dispassionate for the university life.…
Being that I am first generation student, attending a community college has definitely guided me in the path of success. At my community college, I have been able to develop strong relationships with my professors as well as other professionals who have generously mentored my next steps. Tuition is a reasonable price, which has allowed me to focus on my academics rather than a money burden. A variety of support services are offered on campus, which has helped me triumph in my education and maintain a 4.0 GPA. Overall, attending a community college has been the first of many steps of success.…
College is a huge investment. The working world is full of people with college degrees, and the job marketplace is becoming scarce for those without them. A degree is the foot in the door, so to speak, for most jobs; in fact, many places will deny upper level positions without at least a Bachelor’s degree and prior experience. Students spend thousands of dollars every year on books and classes, which will help them achieve a degree in their desired field. For many, starting at community college gives incentive to pick a continuing education because it costs less than regular universities.…
Community College education is something that helps me every single day. It has prepared me to write this very essay. The biggest volunteer service I have done is to volunteer for the United States Army. I am loud and proud to be a part of the greatest fighting force in the world. Through education it has made me even better at my military occupation. I have recently been promoted to a Sergeant. My education has made this possible with the qualities and knowledge I needed to get there. Recently, my unit asked me to give a presentation at the High School I attended. I knew I was qualified and prepared through my community college education. Especially because I was in Public Speaking at the time.…
Higher educational attainment is critically important in an increasingly complex and knowledge-based economy. By 2020, an estimated 35 percent of job openings will require a bachelor’s degree (BA), and 30 percent will require some college or an associate’s degree (AA) (Kirp, 2014). It is not surprising that an increasing number of individuals are enrolling in the 1,000 community colleges across the nation. 38 percent of all undergraduates are enrolled in a community college, which enroll “a greater proportion of non-white, low income, first-generation college students” (Dynarski, 2015). Nevertheless, many students who enroll in community colleges are not completing their degrees and dropping out. Indeed, only 39 percent of students who enroll in a community college graduate within six years (Kolodner, 2015). The American Institute for Research notes that these dropouts amounts to an estimated total public cost of $ 4.5 billion (Kirp, 2014).…
The reason why i want to attend college is because it will be an honor to my family and especially to my mother. College is not common in my family because no one has gone to college yet and I would want to be the first in my family to attend a 4 year university. Going to college will make me feel proud of myself because I will make my mom proud and not just that, but make myself proud of all the accomplishments i have accomplished so far. Personally my career goals is to do something i'm just not going to enjoy for a temporality time, but for the rest of my life. The field where i would want to study is physical therapy or a field where i would be working with bones, possibly I can major in english. Physical therapy grabs my attention because i used to play soccer, but due to health issues I stopped playing, started coaching my brothers team and what i enjoyed from that experience was when someone would…
Art and design especially photography has always attracted my mind since I was a kid. I always enjoy create a unique and authentic design as well as taking photos of human interest, landscape, and recently products shoot. As a self-taught learner in design and photography, I understand that value of formal education is essential for my future. Hence, I committed to myself to pursue further studies in the United States.…