Since I’ve been here, I’ve learned a lot. You could say I have transitioned drastically from the performer I was before. I have found several bright things about the city, but as each day passes I’m starting to find that my heart truly isn’t happy here. I also think about the money that is going into it. The money that my parents have …show more content…
worked their entire lives for. Is it worth it? Am I receiving what I’m paying for? These are the questions I find myself asking way too often. I’m a firm believer in following your heart. If I was truly happy with what I am doing and where I am, I wouldn’t be stressing myself out about my choices. I should love what I do, strive to get up in the mornings, be excited about what I can learn in that day. I find myself starting to weigh my options. Oklahoma City University has been a top priority school of mine ever since high school.
It’s one of the top theatre and dance schools in the country. I don’t know why I’m just now seeing how important it is to me that I receive an education and training like that. At the time, I believe I looked at schooling as “how far can I get away from here?” Weighing my options today, I believe I will receive better training at a school like OKCU and for a more acceptable price. I’m not receiving the training I am paying for. I have turned to OKCU as an option now to better my education. I truly believe that being in a more comfortable environment like Oklahoma will also benefit me greatly. Don’t get me wrong, New York is beautiful. I want to work here one day; it’s just not the time. This risk that I took, that drastically changed my life, could definitely be benefiting others. But for me I have accepted that I belong to an organization like Oklahoma City University. This risk has benefited me greatly by making me realize where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing. I say it’s better late than